
Symbolism and Meaning of Roses

150 150 jcharlow

SYMBOLISM AND MEANING OF ROSES Since ancient times roses have been grown for their fragrance, beauty, and healing properties. Roses, with their unique combination of thorny stems and fragrant blossoms, are often prized a symbol…

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Fragrant Roses

150 150 jcharlow

FRAGRANT ROSES Who can resist the alluring fragrance of a rose? Young or old, few can walk by a rose in the flush of full bloom without bending over to savor its intoxicating aroma. Given…

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Rose Planting and Care

150 150 jcharlow

ROSE PLANTING AND CARE Roses love sunshine and grow beautifully here in Tucson.  There are rose types to fit nearly any landscape application:  groundcover roses for a carpet of color, tree roses for a touch…

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