Plant Care


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Gardenias(Video) Join our Nursery Manager, Debbie Mounce, as she teaches us about gardenias and their care.

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How to Choose a Healthy a Plant(Video)

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How to Choose a Healthy a Plant(Video) Watch our Nursery Manager, Debbie Mounce, as she shows us how to choose a healthy plant from the nursery.

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Summer Heat Help(Video)

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Summer Heat Help(Video) Watch our Nursery Manager, Debbie Mounce, talk about how you can help your plants through the summer heat.

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How to Kill Grubs and Scale(Video)

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How to Kill Grubs and Scale(Video) Watch our Nursery Manager, Debbie Mounce, on KVOA’s 5-Minute Gardener teach us how to kill grubs and cochineal scale.

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Weedkillers(Video) Watch our Nursery Manager, Debbie Mounce, on KVOA’s 5-Minute Gardener tell us about weed killers.

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Stunning Container Gardens

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STUNNING CONTAINER GARDENS Potting Basics Clean re-used containers – ½ cup bleach and 2 gallons warm water. Protect containers with water block – spray inside and out twice. Cover drain hole – use screening, old…

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Javelina Resistant Plants

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Javelinas are omnivorous animals. They are browsers and feed on the roots of many plants.

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Summer Tree Care

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SUMMER TREE CARE Proper watering is, without a doubt, the most important aspect of tree care during our hot, dry summer months. Newly planted trees (even natives) should not be stressed for water – even…

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New Plant Care 101

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NEW PLANT CARE 101 99% of all new planting failures are due to improper watering techniques.   Proper Care for Plants Still in their Nursery Containers: When brought home from the nursery, it is best…

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Periwinkle Problems

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POSSIBLE CAUSES OF PERIWINKLE PROBLEMS Watering (over/under).   Vinca Wilt (Sprioplasma citri) causes mosaic, yellowing and stunting of some plants and sudden permanent wilting of others. Stems and roots appear normal. This disease is thought…

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