Garden Recovery

Garden Recovery

150 150 jcharlow


If you have decided to replace plants that were lost in the hard freeze with more cold-tolerant selections, here is a list of plants that we left unprotected during the recent cold snap (Feb 2011) that showed little or no damage. Remember that cultural practices, microclimates, and plant health can all affect cold hardiness.

Annuals – Pansies, Violas, Petunias, Dianthus, Snapdragons, Kale, and Poppies

Perennials – Candytuft, Verbena, English and Spanish Lavender, Desert Penstemon, Mexican Evening Primrose(Oenethera), and various Iceplant(Drosanthemum and Delosperma)

Flowering evergreen shrubs(medium to large) – Pineapple Guava(Feijoa), Viburnum Spring Bouquet, Rhaphiolepsis species(Indian Hawthorne), Flower Carpet and Knock Out Roses, Rosemary(trailing and upright), Leucophyllum species(Texas Ranger), Hybrid Tea and Floribunda Roses

Flowering deciduous shrubs – Chaste tree (Vitex), Pomegranite ‘Wonderful’ (Punica), and Pink Fairy Duster (Calliandra)

Flowering shrubs(small/medium) – Damianita(Chrysactinia), Salvia species, and Red Yucca(Hesperaloe)

Evergreen shrubs and palms – Dwarf Olive(Little Ollie), Heavenly Bamboo(Nandina species), Red Tipped Photinia, Red Berried Pyracantha, Mock Orange(Pittosporum), Arizona Rosewood(Vauquelinia), Mediterranean Fan Palm(Chamaerops), and Ornamental Date Palm(Phoenix canariensis)

Grass and grass like – Muhlenbergia ‘Regal Mist’, Desert Spoon, Mexican Tree Grass(Dasylirion), Yucca rigida, and Euphorbia rigida

Vines – Tangerine Crossvine, Purple Wisteria, Tombstone Rose(Banksai), Honeysuckle(Lonicera), Carolina Jasmine(Gelsemium), Star Jasmine(Trachelospermum), and Cecile Bruner Rose

Evergreen trees(small) – Pineapple Guava(Feijoa), Texas Mountain Laurel(Sophora), Mastic(Pistacia lentisicus), and Weeping Bottlebrush(Callistemon)

Evergreen trees(large) – Eldarica Pine, and Oak(Quercus virginiana)

Deciduous/Semi-deciduous trees – Purple Leaf Plum(Prunus), Chinese Pistache(Pistacia chinensis), Ash(Fraxinus species), Desert Willow(Chilopsis), Mesquite(Prosopis), Chaste Tree(Vitex), Oak(Quercus buckleyi[texana]), and Desert Museum Palo Verde(Parkinsonia)

Cacti and Succulents – Agave parryi Truncata, Agave ocahui, Native Ocotillo(Foquieria splendens), Saguaro, most Prickly Pear(Opuntia), and most Barrel Cactus

Remember! Even cold-tolerant selections are somewhat vulnerable to cold when newly planted; cover newly planted items with frost cloth if freezing temperatures are predicted.