Horned Tomato Worms: Plant Destroyers

Horned Tomato Worms: Plant Destroyers


Horned Tomato Worms: Plant Destroyers

Last night I went to pick some of my beautifully ripe tomatoes when I saw it: the destruction. Usually seen way before the camouflaged worm, I saw my tomato plants stripped of their leaves. Just one Horned Tomato Worm can devour a whole plant if unnoticed.

So naturally, I looked for the little destroyer and found three. Surely, there are more. Usually my husband and I hand pick them from the plant and kill them (don’t just throw them in your alley-they will come back- I know from experience- they climb walls!!!).

Handpicking can result in more plant damage if worms are not found quickly enough, which is easy since they are so well camouflaged. This year our plants are so big and thick I may use Dipel Dust to help us kill these hungry worms!

by Cara Mia Bohardt, Desert Gardener