Re-blooming Christmas Cactus

Re-blooming Christmas Cactus

150 150 jcharlow
Re-blooming Christmas Cactus

After blooming, keep your Christmas cactus in a cool place and do not water for six weeks. As new growth begins to develop, resume watering so that the soil remains fairly moist, and fertilize with a half strength solution of Bonide All Purpose Plant Food. Re-pot if necessary. During the summer, water plant so that it stays moist but not soggy. Keep it in a shaded location outdoors. In the fall (beginning about September), water only well enough so that the foliage does not wilt. Stop watering about the beginning of October. At this point, your Christmas cactus will need 13 hours of uninterrupted darkness every night. This may be done by placing it in a dark room or closet. Resume watering in November, but only enough to keep the foliage from wilting. Once buds form, place plant back in normal light and temperature conditions, keeping it evenly moist. (Normal temperature range is 55 to 65 degrees F.) Fertilize every other week with a half strength solution. Enjoy another season of beautiful blooms!